Estela Burrus

Nada más entrar en la basílica encontramos a nuestra derecha, apoyada contra la pared, una lápida de piedra caliza con una inscripción mutilada. Se trata de una estela romana que bien pudo ser traída de la cercana necrópolis romana o que bien pudo pertenecer al mausoleo que hoy conforma el presbiterio. Esta losaen la reforma barroca se cortó por sus laterales superior e izquierdo para utilizarla como escalón en unas gradas que se colocaron junto al altar.

When we enter the basilica, the first thing we find on out right, leaning against the wall, is a gravestone made of limestone with an inscription carved into it. It is a Roman stela, which could have been brought from the nearby Roman necropolis, or perhaps belonged to the mausoleum, which is located where the presbytery now stands. During the baroque reformation, the gravestone was cut on its upper and left sides, to be used as step under the grades for the choir that were later located next to the altar.
